LoneStarRuby Conf 2013 - Ember on Rails: #realtalk

This was my first-ever talk and the sound quality had issues.

The memory that sticks out for me the most was sitting at a table with Sandi Metz, a programming hero of mine, and having her calm my nerves when I was so nervous that I felt like throwing up before my talk.

Her advice was “all these people love you and want you to succeed, and you’re about to share something with them that they need.”

I have sat and meditated on this before every successive talk I’ve ever given, that I have worked hard to share a message of love with these good people, and I have only felt nauseatingly nervous before a talk one time since then.


RailsConf 2014 - Bring Fun Back to JS: Step-by-Step Refactoring Toward Ember