RailsConf 2014 - Bring Fun Back to JS: Step-by-Step Refactoring Toward Ember

Before watching this talk, please know that as soon as I gave it, I was rightly and roundly criticized by folks from South American countries for using the Favela as an example of “bad architecture” and played it for laughs. I immediately apologized publicly and absolutely can not stand behind the comments and jokes I made at the expense of people who live and work in South America.

The act was deeply culturally insensitive and hurtful to people I consider friends, and I was told some time later that it made me “famous in Brazil as the ‘favela guy’”, which to this day makes me feel pretty bad.

I believe it’s best to leave it up and not erase this embarrassing chapter of my history, though I do wish I had a version of this talk recorded without the insensitive content to share as the remainder of the talk is a useful example of refactoring messy code.


RubyConf 2014 - My Little C Extension: Lego Robots are Magic


LoneStarRuby Conf 2013 - Ember on Rails: #realtalk